Monday, January 12, 2009

Goal Setting For New Year

New Year means new goals for most people. Here's an interesting interview about New Year Resolutions with Rick D'Amico from Fox10.


Anonymous said...

Two times of the year are good for resolutions. NewYear's beginning and the beginning of September after coming back to work from vacation. wonder why neither of those times and goals settings work for me? Guess that i'm a wasteful procrastinator without a hope for change.

Kristine Tucker said...

Great blog...I enjoyed reading your information about how to avoid procrastination. I certainly needed the advice. I am new to blogging, so please check out my site if you get a chance. It is Thanks.

Twittah said...

Interesting idea: could it be the significance of New Year's, the idea of a fresh start, that causes us to work hard not to procrastinate?

You might want to check out Sam Tornatore, he has some interesting ideas.

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Definition of objectives, an effective process of thinking to the future perfect, and motivate themselves to make this vision of the future will reality.The the process of setting goals allows you to choose what you want to go in life.

Phillip M. Collins said...

Evaluating what you have done the past years is a good start to motivate yourself to do better. Thanks for sharing this helpful video.

casino online said...

Great idea that we have to set our goal for whole year and work on it. do fresh start and became ideal for other people.

Sam said...

Hi there, Some good advice. I have something to add. The first step to solving any problem is discovering why the problem occurs or what causes it in the first place, would you agree? Procrastination is the same. There are 4 major reasons why people procrastinate and for over 19 years in Australia my partner and I have found this to be the case. One of the 4 reasons comes under the category of "Wrong Goals" I wrote an article about this major reason for procrastination that can be found at It is available for anybody to easily read it. It has helped many Australians understand what going on in their lives so they can then do more and be free to achieve the life they deserve. I hope it helps
Warmly Sam