Tuesday, December 14, 2004

How To Be Motivated To Create The Life Of Your Dreams

Do you really know how to be motivated? All the time?

When it comes to motivating yourself to be a better person, to do better at work or to create a happier family life you need to understand the importance of taking control of your self-talk. You really need to know how to motivate yourself through thick and thin.

Do you ever pay attention to the thoughts inside your mind? And more importantly do you ever notice the way in which you talk to yourself?

Here are three tips you can use right away to motivate yourself - find out how to be motivated in seconds:

1 Talk To Yourself The Way You Talk To Someone You Love

Be honest! Is it true you sometimes insult yourself, curse yourself and say horrible things about your abilities? If you spoke like this regularly to the people you care about they would leave and never talk to you again. There is no excuse for treating yourself so badly. Talk to yourself the way you would talk to someone you deeply love. Be respectful, patient and understanding. Be slow to anger, quick to praise and grateful for the opportunity to listen.

Be on your best behavior when you talk to yourself and you will find that you treat other people better as well. This in turn will cause people to respond more positively to whatever you say. These very people will be more inclined to help you get what you want.

(How to be motivated will seem less of a mystery.)

2 Pump Up The Volume

Very often we go through our day with an internal dialogue buzzing away in the background. We mutter to ourselves about what we need to do without feeling particularly inspired to do anything other than what we have to do. This is not an effective strategy for self-motivation!

What you need to do instead is to turn up the volume, inject some passion into your words and talk to yourself with enthusiasm. You would not have much luck motivating someone else to take action without putting some energy into your words. You need to do the same to motivate yourself. You must know how to be motivated at a moments notice!

The next time you want to motivate yourself to do something - talk to yourself the same way you would if someone was standing before you waiting to be inspired. Speak loudly with passion and excitement either aloud or to yourself inside your head. The more energy you put into it the easier it will be to light the fire inside you that sparks you into action.

3 Know How To Feel Good When You Are Having A Tough Day

No matter how focused, positive and hard working you are there will still be days when nothing seems to go your way. It is on days like this that you must take charge of your brain and take control of your self talk.

You need a back catalogue of memories you can replay to make yourself feel good. Music does it for me. I have so many songs I love to hear that I just pick one out and listen to it in my mind. In a moment I can listen to sounds that make me feel fantastic simply by choosing to. For best results imagine you have a volume control with bass and treble. Make the music sound rich, loud and resonant. This is the secret to knowing how to be motivated in a way that works for you.

A friend of mine has such a great memory that he will listen to an entire CD in his mind. How about that for a quick and easy way to feel good whenever you are having a tough day?

One final way to use this tip...

Replay happy memories of people telling you how much they value and appreciate you. Hear them saying what a difference you are making and soak up those wonderful feelings of appreciation.

It really is your choice as to how you run your brain. Choose to feel great and your communication with yourself and the outside world will become remarkable. Your motivation will soar and getting more done each day will just get easier and easier with eager people lining up to help you.

You'll be very glad you discovered how to be motivated!

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert.

He recently produced a very popular free report that reveals how to crush procrastination and sustain lasting motivation. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at:


Thursday, December 09, 2004

How To Overcome Procrastination Quickly And Easily

If you have days when you don't feel like doing anything what can you do?

Maybe it is time to discover a new way to overcome procrastination and get motivated.

When a deadline looms you need a quick and easy way to start making some progress and beat procrastination. This is very possible for you with the following three minor shifts in how you think about work. Read on to learn how to get motivated. You can finally overcome procrastination with these motivation tips.

1. Define Specifically What You Must Do

Ignore all other tasks for the moment. This step can be a revelation - clarity helps you to concentrate on what matters most of all.

It is a lot easier to get started when you know what needs to be done rather than feeling like you have to do everything at the same time.

Write down the goal as specifically as you can so that you have a clear and attainable target to aim for. Otherwise you will never beat procrastination.

2. Allow Yourself To Make Mistakes

If you demand perfection of yourself you will quite naturally put off getting started until the perfect moment arrives. Of course this will never happen so you will never commence the project.

It is more important to begin.

Do your best and make corrections later on. By adopting this outlook you will get something done and you can enlist the help of others to advise you and give feedback. Then improve your work after you have finished your first effort. This will help you to get motivated.

3. Compete Against Yourself

When you compete against others the possibility of failure can stop you from even trying. It is far better to compete against your previous best performance. Compare the quality of your work with your usual standards and aim to match or beat that standard. This approach puts you back in control and allows you to succeed on your own terms.

Obviously your personal standards must meet or exceed those of the people who are relying on your work.

To sum up. You can beat procrastination with a few minor shifts in how you think about success and achievement. For the sake of learning a new way of thinking about your work you can enjoy greater success and leave the anxiety of procrastination behind forever. The time to overcome procrastination, get motivated and beat procrastination forever has arrived!

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report that reveals how to crush procrastination and sustain lasting motivation. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at:


The Secret Motivation Strategy That Never Fails

Want a new motivation technique that works quickly and easily? In this article you will discover a simple motivation technique you can start using right away.

No matter how much you want to make your dreams come true you still need some practical ways to keep yourself motivated over the long term. You need the ability to keep going in the face of setbacks, disappointments and short-term frustrations. i.e. a motivation technique that works.

Thankfully there is a simple and very powerful way to stay focused and highly motivated. Are you ready for a personal breakthrough?

1. Determine The Reasons Why You Want To Attain The Goal

Write down on paper the reasons why you want to succeed. List at least 50 reasons. This will take you 10 minutes of brainstorming. Just write down whatever pops into your head. Write as quickly as you can and keep going until you have a list of 50 great reasons.

(Don´t be fooled by how simple this motivation technique is)

2. Pick Out The Top 5 Reasons

Scan the list of reasons why you want to achieve your goal and pick out the reasons which have the most emotional charge for you. i.e the ones you feel strongly about. These are the reasons which will keep you motivated when obstacles show up.

And as you read over the top 5 reasons you may way feel a smile on your face and you will feel a new surge of motivation. This is the basis of this motivation technique - tap into the emotions that drive you.

3. Each Day Review The Top Reasons

On a daily basis take a moment to review the top 5 reasons why you want to achieve the goal. Read over the list and make sure to notice how you feel. These reasons move you emotionally because they are so important to you. When you feel strongly about these reasons motivation will be automatic.

Let me give you an example of how to use this motivation technique..

John wants to double his income but feels too overwhelmed at work to even concentrate on ways to earn more. He takes 10 minutes on his lunch break to scribble 50 reasons why he wants to double his income. Then he picks out the top 5 reasons - the ones that really move him emotionally.

What does he discover? The prospect of having more dollar signs does not inspire him to earn more but the following reasons do inspire him:

1. Feel more appreciated and respected by my wife

2. Become more successful in my career

3. Fulfill my potential at last

4. Get that top of the range car I´ve always wanted

5. Give more money to local charities

As a result John now has a sense of purpose that drives him to do all he can to achieve his goal.

The same applies to you...

When you tap into why you want to achieve you goals, on a daily basis, you will find the true source of your motivation.

Now get using this simple yet powerful motivation technique!

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report, the 5 Step Motivation Report. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at:


Wednesday, December 08, 2004

How To Get Motivated When You Have An Off Day

Sometimes you just don´t have the energy to get excited, motivated or inspired enough to do what has to be done. Procrastination gets the better of you and can´t seem to get motivated.

What can you do on days like these? Is there a way to get motivated and stay motivated?

There are three simple yet powerful ways to pull yourself out of a slump. And best of all you can start using these strategies today.

1. Complete Something

It is very important to start and finish something when you need to get back on track. Pick a small task, one that can be done in 5-10 minutes.

Then ignore everything else and devote all of your attention to completing that task. When you have finished it you will feel a lot better about dealing with all of the other jobs that need to be done. One small success leads to much greater success. (and greater motivation)

Now, simply the repeat the process with another small task until you build some momentum and feel more motivated..

2. Set Tight Time Deadlines

On days that you feel sluggish work in 30 minute blocks. Tell yourself you only need to focus for the next 30 minutes and then get started on the next task at hand. If you feel very unmotivated work for 20 minute or even 15 minute time periods. The key is to get busy and do the best you can.

Then take a quick break and acknowledge the progress you are making. One small step after the next will take you to where you want to go.

You will be surprised at the difference this can make. You will little by little start to feel more motivated.

3. Read Or Listen To Motivational Material

You need to inspire yourself to greater success on a daily basis. This is important because of the negativity that bombards us from other people and the media. All that talk can weigh you down and leave you procrastinating even more.

If you don´t take charge of your thinking someone else will do it for you. Thinking about the positive instead of the negative requires a daily commitment. It is a choice we all make each day.

And remember...

You are not expected to be highly motivated and driven on a empty tank. Give yourself positive fuel each and everyday and you will be consistently more motivated.
Make a point of feeding your mind with positive input each and every day and your attitude will become consistently more positive. You will feel more motivated even on the off days.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report, the 5 Step Motivation Report. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at:


3 Great Ways To Stay Motivated At Work

Staying motivated at work is easier than you think
when you know what to do.

1. Decide What You Must Achieve Today.

It is easy to get caught up with non-urgent matters
that you can either ignore completely or do at a
later date.

All that clutter leaves you confused about what to
do so you end up procrastinating.

You need to ask yourself:

What is of the utmost importance that I must
complete today?

Define that specific goal and focus solely on that
until you have achieved it.

Clarity is power. It allows you to operate in a
peak state of concentration and will help to ensure
you are at your

best. You will be amazed at how much you will get
done and how successful you will feel when you FOCUS.

2. Break Down Complex Goals Into Manageable Steps.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is the failure
to take big projects and restructure them as a series of

challenging but stimulating tasks.

Take any project and list the sequence of steps you need
to follow. Make sure the steps are big enough to keep your
interest and not so small that you feel bored by the
prospect of moving ahead with the project.

It is very motivating to have a highly specific game plan
that challenges you without leaving you overwhelmed.

Once you have this blueprint written down you can get
started. And make sure to mark your progress with the time
of completion as you work your way through the list.

Tracking the time encourages you to make a game of getting
things done properly and quickly.

3. Use Negative Pressure To Keep You On Target.

This is an unusual but highly effective tip.

Pick someone at work to check in on your progress during
the day. Make sure this person has a positive outlook and
that he or she is fully supportive of your goal to achieve
more. Choose someone you want to impress with your abilities
and productivity.

The secret is to use negative pressure to keep you on track.
i.e. you want to dread the prospect of failure because you do
not want to lose the approval of this person.

You will have moments during the day when you feel good about
the progress you are making. At this point the natural reaction
is to ease up.

You can deal with this by setting up the very real prospect of
disappointing someone who believes in you. This desire to avoid
embarrassment will drive you to give of your best.

Use these three tips each day and watch your productivity soar.

Motivation really is a question of strategy. When you know your
personal motivation blueprint there is nothing you cannot do.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced
a very popular free report, the 5 Step Motivation Report. Apply
now because it is available for a limited time only at:


Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The True Cost Of A Lack of Motivation

Today I want to tell you why you absolutely have to
take charge of self-motivation.

And what a lack of motivation means..

As you read this article you will start to understand why a
lack of motivation is costing you even more than you

As you read the story below notice how much you have in
common with me...

Growing up I never really had much trouble getting things
done. I was told what to do by my parents or by my teachers
and I did what was expected of me because it was the easiest
choice for me.

Getting punished never appealed to me very much.

Then as I got older and especially when I joined the
workforce I could get away with doing less and with leaving
things until the deadline approached.

In fact in one company where I worked it made no sense
finishing work before the deadlines because management kept
moving the goal posts.

And very often I worked with people who refused to stretch
themselves. This culture of doing as little as you can and
appearing to be productive slowly dragged me down.

Over the years as a result of experiences like these I
developed bad habits.

One of those habits was a lack of motivation habit.

I can see now how a few bad choices in how I approached work
affected all aspects of my life.

The same may be true for you...

What we did over the years was create bad habits that need
to be given up and replaced with a new way of behaving.

Do you realize what these bad habits have cost you in your

1. You missed the sense of accomplishment and the
satisfaction that comes with succeeding on a big scale.

2. You lost the respect of your peers and you are excluded
from the winners circle.

3. You no longer feel in control of your destiny and in
fact you are a victim of circumstance.

4. You earn far less than people of lesser intelligence and

5. You worry about the future because you fear you may not
be able to deal with things.

A lack of motivation is a bad habit you can and must change.

Now is the time to take charge of this situation. I can tell
you from my own experience that nothing will change until
you decide to change.

And nothing will improve until you improve it...

You owe it to yourself and to the people who care about you
to seize the day and make your life something to be proud

The satisfaction that comes from living life on your own
terms is a wonderful gift you deserve to enjoy. And you
will only have this once you know how to motivate yourself
to create the life you dream of.

My income jumped, my social life improved dramatically and
new opportunities for having even more of what I wanted all
came about for me. But only after I learned the secrets of
self-motivation and how to kill a lack of motivation.

The world did not change. Other people did not change. I

Only When YOU change will your world change for the better.

Before I go...

Think of those people who look down on your lack of progress
and take you for granted. Think of that sense you have of
not been in control.

All of these feelings of dissatisfaction are not going to
disappear-- in fact they will dominate your life as the
years pass you by.

These issues are not going to go away all by themselves.

I tried the wait and see approach - it does not work!

Thankfully there is a solution, a proven way of taking
charge of your life and developing self-motivation.

*** Motivation is an essential life skill and you can
discover how to be motivated and stay motivated. ***

Although some lucky people seem to be born highly
motivated, if you are of at least average intelligence you
can learn how to be motivated.

No matter how unmotivated you have been up to now.

The secret to being motivated is to discover the motivation
blueprint that is right for you.

Imagine no longer having a lack of motivation!

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently
produced a very popular free report, the 5 Step Motivation
Report. Apply now because it is available for a limited
time only at:


A Simple Motivation Technique For Massive Success

Want to hear about a simple & effective motivation technique?

It´ll help you get motivated and stay motivated.

Do you want to know the key to beating procrastination and
achieving much more?

Let me tell you how I discovered the secret to achieving
massive success...

I had some work to do yesterday and I kept putting it off.

I thought to my self - I´ll wait until later when I feel
more alert and in the right frame of mind to do it just

Do you ever do this?

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. If I wait for the
perfect moment I will be waiting a very long time.

With that in mind I just got started. I took the pressure
off and stopped insisting that I create a perfect piece of

The endless pursuit of perfection and the craving for total
and complete success at everything you do is a trap.

A dangerous trap. And the opposite of a motivation technique.


Because it will stop you from getting started. And
beginning is sometimes all you need to do to ensure success.

When you get the ball rolling, the gathering momentum will
keep you going. You will stay motivated and drop procrastination.

Listen to this for a motivation technique that works....

Last week - I read an interview with a world-class marathon
runner who has run some tough races including ones where
he ran a marathon a day each day for a week or more at a

When asked how he could take on such enormous physical and
mental challenges without feeling overwhelmed he gave a
simple answer.

He said he never thinks about it in terms of running a 26
mile race instead he focuses on taking one step.

And then another, and another...

Take one step at a time.

Complete it and then take on one more step. Do this
and you can achieve some spectacular results.

So you see.

Even a simple motivation technique can work wonders!

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently
produced a very popular free report, the 5 Step Motivation
Report. Apply now because it is available for a limited
time only at:


Monday, December 06, 2004

The Easy Way To Lasting Self Motivation

How can you become a self motivation expert? Does will power work?

Will power alone will never work over the long term. It is
the hardest way possible to get yourself to do anything.

The answer is to discover the secrets of self motivation.


Because it is like trying to open a tin can with your teeth
when there is a can opener in your pocket.

Instead you need to tap into the limitless power of your
mind. When you do you can break bad habits, create
beneficial new ones and put yourself back on track easily,
quickly and with very little effort.

You see...

Making changes to enhance the quality of your life
does not need to be slow or difficult. Unfortunately most
people are still struggling because they continue to rely on
ineffective approaches like will power.

Forget about will power. Become a self motivation expert!

Instead write down one small action you have been putting
off and answer the following questions and really put some
thought into the answers:

1 What am I missing out on of importance by not doing this?

2 What will I gain most by doing this?

3 Why is it important to me to get this done?

4 How is not doing this inconsistent with who I really am?

And then...

Pretend You Have Already Completed the Task:

Get a pen and paper and take 5 minutes to describe how you
feel now that you have already finished the task you have
been postponing. i.e. as if you have already succeeded.

e.g. I have already cleaned the yard and I feel fantastic.
My family and friends are really impressed and I feel so
proud of myself and so delighted that it is finally done.

The yard looks immaculate, so tidy I have even impressed
myself. I feel so powerful, energetic and motivated. I feel
on top of the world. etc. etc.

Do this quickly and write with as much emotion as you can
express. Spend at least 5 minutes on it.

You will be surprised at how well this simple process works.

You may find that you feel a boost in motivation that gets
even better each time you use this process. Do it once a day
for best results.

Become your own self motivation expert.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently
produced a very popular free report, the 5 Step Motivation
Report. Apply now because it is available for a limited
time only at:


How to Stay Motivated Day In and Day Out...

If I could tell you one thing to help you to be highly
motivated this would be it...

Staying motivated requires a daily ritual.

In other words, motivation is not a one-time event. To stay
motivated you need to do certain things each day to stay

I was reading some tips recently - written by an extremely
successful business man. He has risen to the top in two
different and very competitive industries so I assumed he
was one of those naturally driven people.

I was wrong.

Everyday he has certain rituals he counts on to keep
himself motivated. Here are three tips you can start using

1. Spend at least five minutes a day on your goals.

Review your goals for the day and for the week. Then
imagine them as already achieved in your mind. See
the successful outcomes, hear people praising you, and feel
the glow of success.

Do this each day and you will stay focused even when you
have setbacks. You will stay motivated over time.

2. Meditate each day.

Take time each day to be still. Meditate, listen to
relaxing music or find another way that works for you and
give yourself some time just for you.

Turn off the TV, turn off the radio, let the phone ring out
and take a break from the demands people place on you each

Use this time to reflect on what you are doing and on what
you want to do next.

Very often, you will feel recharged and ready for action
after even 10 minutes, And you will often come up with
great new ideas for handling the problems you face.

When you feel refreshed it is easier to stay motivated.

This time invested in peace of mind will leave you feeling
renewed. And the more time you put into this the greater
the benefits.

3. Feed your mind positive information.

Make a point each day of reading a book or listening to a
tape to learn something new.

Spending time on personal development each day will help to
build your belief in what is possible for you.

In a world where so many people are negative we need to
counteract it with positive input every day, not just now
and again.

One final point...

If possible do not tune into the news when you are waking
up in the morning. Give yourself an hour before bombarding
your mind with negative news stories.

You have all day to follow the news if you want to. Just
give your mind a chance to focus before letting others
direct your thinking.

Use these simple tips each day and you will stay motivated.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently
produced a very popular free report, the 5 Step Motivation
Report. Apply now because it is available for a limited
time only at:


How to Get Motivated and Have Industrial Strength Self-Motivation

It is not your fault if popular self-help courses have never
worked for you over the long term.

How to get motivated is not adequately dealt with.


Because generally speaking there are problems with the
material you have read and listened to in these courses:

To appeal to a wider audience the self-help experts often
leave out the more complex and the more powerful concepts
and techniques - the best ones for getting motivated!

Instead you get a burst of short term inspiration that
cannot and will not last. While the best material is only
taught to a small group of enthusiasts who are willing to
pay extra for it.

The irony is that the most powerful techniques, although
sometimes unusual, are understandable and effective for most
people. As long as you are taught a step-by-step approach
you can follow to get motivated.

It is usually the explanation of why it works that leaves
people totally confused. But as long as you have the how-to
you can start getting results right away and get motivated.

As a result of the decision to leave out the best material
you end up learning some simple ideas that work only when
you already feel positive and dynamic.

For example, someone tells you to get motivated and to give
it your best. If you are feeling unmotivated a pep talk
like that will do you very little good.

Imagine what it would be like if instead you could tune in
your motivation in the same way you tune in a TV. Well you
can once you know how to.

And this is possible for you only when you discover the step
by step approach that unleashes the dormant motivation power
inside you.

Knowing what to do is very different from knowing how to do

Many self help courses teach you what to do but not how to
do it or how to stay motivated over time.

As a result you may feel wiser AND more frustrated! At least
before you did not know what to do --- now you know what to
do but cannot do it.

Stay clear of any material that does not focus on the how to
of motivation. And make sure you get the key distinctions
you need to master the strategies.

For example, we have all heard a lot about the importance of
goal setting. And we might even write our goals down and
review them from time to time.

But how do you explain your lack of interest in pursuing
your goals? Your lack of motivation?

It is because an essential element is missing from the goal
setting process.

Unless your goals are in alignment with your highest values
and they feel right for you it is highly unlikely you will
achieve them.

In fact, you may sabotage your efforts to get ahead. And all
your work will be characterized by lethargy and seemingly
never ending and tiring effort.

To sum up - look for practical self-motivation material that
takes powerful processes and breaks them down into simple
step by step systems.

And realize that knowing what to do is pointless unless you
know how to.

Spend a little time each day conditioning your mind and you
will be astounded at your rapid progress....

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently
produced a very popular free report, the 5 Step Motivation
Report. Apply now because it is available for a limited
time only at:


Thursday, December 02, 2004

Employee Motivation article

This is a good article on employee motivation. Read it and consider how it applies to employee motivation in your business.

Recession-Proofing Employee Motivation
by: Dr. Douglas Waldo c/o ARA Content

(ARA) - As we hear more predictions of an economy showing signs of weakening, managers around the country are asking a couple of key questions: Are we prepared for a recession reminiscent of the early 1990s? Did we learn enough from experiences nearly a decade ago to improve how we perform in 2001? The answer: probably.

While the financial experts monitor and project the extent of an economic slowdown, little doubt remains that the early years of this decade will likely feature layoffs and restructuring across every industry. These staff reductions, or even the anticipation of them, can have a dramatic influence on employee motivation and productivity. Recognizing the warning signs of declining motivation and overall morale can allow managers to respond quickly with intervention strategies aimed at propping up declining productivity.

According to Brian Dailey, a business consultant to the staffing industry in Oklahoma City, there are many warning signs of declining employee motivation that can be expected during recessionary economic times. Some of these include: increased sick days as employees interview for other jobs, increased employee use of Internet time to surf job boards and send out resumes, fewer requests for long vacations, and greater interest among employees regarding company sales or financial strength.

Dailey suggests that while employee motivation may lag for a time, some incidental benefits to employers may include less tardiness and improved work habits as employees position themselves to survive potential staff reductions. Few employees will want to be perceived as marginal performers if the possibility of recession and restructuring looms in the near future.

The real challenge for managers is to develop strategies aimed at protecting employee motivation, despite the fear and concern normally attributed to tough economic times. Dr. Larry Craft, developer of the Craft Personality Questionnaire -- a tool that measures personality and motivation for pre-employment selection systems, understands the impact of uncertainty on employee productivity. According to Dr. Craft, companies looking to reduce expenses by slashing personnel need to take a hard look at the impact on current and future employees before choosing a course of action. "Future employees will tend to look for companies that offer consistency and will likely shy away from jobs in the long run where the potential for turnover is the highest." A company that receives media attention for staff reductions may find that candidates are few and far between when economic times allow for hiring increases.

Dr. Craft agrees however that most companies find it difficult to consider the impact on hiring it will undertake after a recession when the numbers suggest the need for staff reduction in the near term. His best advice is to understand the unique personalities of current employees and open the lines of communication early to avoid many of the problems associated with rumors and false claims.

Thousands of companies have used Dr. Craft's various testing services to do just that in the last two decades, and many find that the resulting productivity requires fewer staff reductions during tougher economic times. Rick Daughtrey, a consultant with CraftSystems(800.228.5866) of Bradenton, Florida, suggests that "it's really a matter of investing the time and resources on the right people and then cultivating them along the way, therefore reducing the need for cutbacks because the right people can typically pay for themselves over the long run."

Managers must learn to assess how they respond to good and bad economic times. Too many companies over-hire in good times and quickly look to downsizing as a temporary fix to slowing demand for their services. It has long been acknowledged that employees are a company's most valuable assets, but many are slow to recognize the full impact of these tough decisions on the motivation of surviving employees. A carefully thought out plan can go a long way in preventing the potential nightmare associated with cutting expenses while attempting to maintain productivity.

Finally, the biggest threat to employee motivation may be a shift in focus to self- preservation rather than team performance. What once was a finely tuned machine may break down as the individual parts become more concerned with whether they can meet their own goals, while failing to recognize that the team's performance may be their greatest hope for individual survival. The lessons learned from the early 1990s are simple: seek expert advice in selecting the right employees for jobs, teach managers to incorporate an understanding of personality and motivation into their communication, develop a game plan that utilizes cross-training to add flexibility to existing staff, and if you must downsize, do it wisely and do it rarely.

For additional information on measuring personality and motivation, go to www.craftsystems.com or www.daileyconsulting.prodigybiz.com.

Courtesy ARA Content, www.ARAcontent.com; e-mail: info@ARAcontent.com

Employee motivation articles.

Weight Loss Motivation

Need weight loss motivation? Staying motivated to lose weight is as important as a good diet or exercise plan. What is the best way to set up a weight loss motivation plan that will work for you?

How To Maintain Your Weight Loss Motivation
by: Jason Barger

One of the hardest aspects of getting yourself into shape, is maintaining the motivation you need to achieve your weight loss goals. Just about anyone will lose some of their enthusiasm, a month or so into a weight loss program. I have learned a few things that keep me motivated and dedicated to achieving my goals. They have helped me tremendously and I think they will help you as well.

Here a just a few of the many things I do to motivate myself.

Weigh yourself once a week:

I weigh myself at least a few times a week. In the beginning of your program once is plenty because you don’t want to discourage yourself. The reason I weigh myself once a week is because it can be easy to look in the mirror and justify, in your head, that you aren’t gaining any weight. If you look at a scale every week, you know for sure whether you need to make changes or not.

Keep a picture of the heavier version of yourself in plain sight:

I have a picture of me at my son’s baptism next to my bed. I was 20-25 pounds heavier in that picture than I currently am. This gives me a chance everyday to see what I don’t want to slip back into. It reminds me why I lost weight and keeps me from sliding back into old habits. Also, it will just remind you of how far you have come and how much better you look now.

Visualize everyday:

You should visualize everyday, how you want yourself to look. If you have achieved your goals then just imagine yourself doing some new things, in your new body. This really does help. I try to visualize myself everyday doing something that I plan on doing in the future. This can help with goals in any aspect of your life. I used to do this while running, when I first started my program. I would picture myself mentally, running and looking the way I wanted to look.

Set your sights farther and higher:

If you have already reached your ideal weight, then you should set some new goals or standards. If you don’t, you will probably fall back into old habits. It is harder to maintain something, then to achieve something new. So if you have reached your ideal weight, then why not set a goal to add some muscle. Or maybe, set a goal to get absolutely ripped. In perfect shape, like you never imagined you could. Look high and far, set your goal and then reach it. Nothing will keep you more motivated then setting and achieving new goals.

Those are just a few of the ways that I use to keep myself motivated. There are thousands more. To find other motivating ideas just do some searching on the internet. You can find thousands of articles and websites dedicated to weight loss and health.

Being healthy and losing weight can change every area of your life. It is amazing, the possibilities we begin to see, after reaching an achievement such as weight loss. Don’t lose the momentum. Keep it turned up and start using it to help you with other areas of your life. But most of all, never give up. There will always be obstacles in any thing you do in life. Just don’t use them as excuses to hold you back from achieving the ultimate freedom you deserve.

This article was written by Jason Barger. Jason has been helping people lose weight with his breakthrough book, Primal Weight Loss. To learn more about his philosophy and programs you can visit http://www.primalhealth.com.

Weight loss motivation tips for you.

How to maintain motivation

Long term success requires you to maintain your motivation day after day. In fact if you are unable to maintain motivation the future will not be so bright...

Maintaining Your Motivation
by: Kelley Robertson

I recently spoke to a group of sales professionals at the end of their training conference. The attendees had participated in many learning sessions over a two day period – most of which were product related. I was scheduled to speak after dinner and I was somewhat concerned how attentive they would be by this time.

Fortunately, in the days preceding, the company had structured the entire program to create energy, excitement and to foster a sense of team enthusiasm. They had a theme and encouraged their vendors to incorporate the theme into each of their individual presentations. They awarded prizes for the team with the most energy and highest level of participation, and by the time dinner was served, the group was pumped. They were excited. And they were highly motivated and charged up. When I left that evening, I knew that these individuals would bring a renewed energy and drive to their work place. I was also confident that the company would see a definite increase in their sales in the weeks to follow.

It reminded me how motivational a conference, training workshop or corporate gathering can be. It reinforced the importance of participating in sessions like these on a regular basis, if for no other reason, but to ignite our own personal motivation.

Running a business is tiring, stressful and challenging. Small business owners are required to wear many hats, often at the same time, while executives of large organizations often have more problems and politics to manage on a daily basis. It is not uncommon for the business to drain our energy and motivation, regardless of how much we enjoy the business. If you do not take time to recharge your batteries and refresh your perspective it is easy to find yourself frustrated with your business.

That is why it is imperative to have a personal motivation plan in place. This means taking advantage of opportunities that will help you maintain your motivation. Here are few suggestions to help get you started.

Attend a personal development workshop. Identify an area in your business or personal live that you would like to improve. At the beginning of each year, I determine what types of programs I want to attend and begin looking for them. I find that these sessions give me a short break from the daily grind of my business and help me see things from a different perspective. Training programs, night courses, or weekend seminars that focus on a specific topic can give you a much needed boost in your energy.

Join a Master Mind group. Meeting with other like-minded people can help you see your business from a different perspective. An effective group will have between six and eight members from a variety of industries and will usually meet several times a year. If you have the right chemistry between members, these meetings will not only help you improve your business, they will also motivate you to try new approaches and market your business differently.

Exercise. I am an avid runner and have completed two marathons and several half marathons. I occasionally find myself in a position when I cannot run for a period of time due to illness, injury, or the demands of work. Without fail, I notice a decrease in my personal motivation during these times. Regular exercise helps your body work more effectively and efficiently. Although I usually catch myself thinking about work related issues during my runs, I often notice that I develop more creative solutions when I am exercising.

Read or listen to motivational material. Instead of reading the daily newspaper with breakfast or coffee in the morning, try reading inspirational material instead. A well-written book that offers sound advice is more motivating than reading about the latest market declines. Listening to motivational tapes or CD’s in your car for one hour everyday can actually give you the equivalent of a university degree in a few years time.

Take time off. It is not a badge of honor to state, “I’m too busy to take time off.” In today’s fast-paced business world, it is critical to take time off for vacation and rest and relaxation. Even a long weekend away from your business can be restful. A true vacation also means completely avoiding email and voicemail. Yes, you will have hundreds of messages to deal with when you return, but you will have a renewed focus and energy to do this.

Lastly, associate with positive people. I have made it a point in the latter part of my career to distance myself from negative individuals. They drain your energy, will not support your goals and desires, and do little to motivate you. On the other hand, positive and optimistic people will uplift your spirits and help you through challenging times.

© 2004 Kelley Robertson All rights reserved.

Kelley Robertson, President of the Robertson Training Group, works with businesses to help them increase their sales and motivate their employees. He is also the author of “Stop, Ask & Listen – Proven sales techniques to turn browsers into buyers.” For information on his programs, visit his website at www.RobertsonTrainingGroup.com. Receive a FREE copy of “100 Ways to Increase Your Sales” by subscribing to his 59-Second Tip, a free weekly e-zine.

Now you know how to maintain your motivation!

Motivation Help

Need motivation help? We all need help with motivation at times! Here are some great motivation tips to help you...

Don’t Let Motivation Cause You to Fail
by: Della Menechella

Yesterday my teenage son Matt came home with a less than stellar report card. (Yes, even peak performance experts sometimes have trouble motivating others.) Now Matt is by no means stupid. The reason he got poor grades is because he did not do the work that was required for some of his classes. Why didn’t he do the work? According to him, he didn’t feel motivated to do it. After having a loud discussion with him (translation: I was ranting and raving), I realized that Matt is no different than many people in his erroneous idea about motivation and success.

The impact of motivation on success is highly overrated. Motivation has very little to do with success. Successful people do not wait to feel motivated to do things that need to be done. They take action whether or not they feel like it, and this continuous action towards a goal is what results in success.

Realize What You Are Losing

If you are not doing what you need to do, you are paying a price for it. It could be the constant stress of knowing you should be doing something but not doing it. It could be the subtle feeling of realizing that by your inactivity you are not achieving what you know you can achieve. Many people have a vague idea of what their inactivity is costing them, but they try to push away these thoughts because they are very uncomfortable. I am suggesting that you not only don’t push away these thoughts, but that you experience them fully.

Think about what your lack of action is costing you and notice how miserable this feels. Am I telling you this because I am sadistic and want you to feel bad? No, I am urging you to do this so you connect with this discomfort. Feeling this pain will often spur you to give up your excuses and move. Most people will do more to avoid pain then they will to move forward towards pleasure. Recently, my toe has been causing me some problems. This has been going on for several weeks. I know I should have gone to the doctor to get it checked out, but I didn’t want to take the time to do it. However, the pain has been getting worse and is now preventing me from participating in some activities that I enjoy, so I finally made an appointment to see him. Pain catches your attention.

Are you experiencing the pain of mediocre revenues in your business because you are not doing enough marketing and selling? Have you been having conflict with your team because you have not effectively dealt with a difficult employee? When you experience enough pain, you will be surprised how motivated you will be to take action.

Focus on the Pay Off

If you don’t particularly like the task that you have to do, don’t focus on how miserable you might feel at the moment. Instead, focus on the pay off that you will receive as a result of your work. People who are successful in any area of their lives usually focus on what they will get out of their activity.

I have been a size four since I was 15. Most people who have problems with their weight will often comment that I am lucky to be so thin. I tell them that I exercise a minimum of one hour at least five days a week. Their next remark is usually, “You must love to exercise.” No, I don’t love to exercise. I would much rather get up and make a pot of coffee. To me there is almost no greater delight in life than enjoying a cup of freshly brewed coffee first thing in the morning. That’s my exercise pay off. As I am in the process of exercising, I count the minutes left that I have to do it before I can have my cup of coffee. Does this sound simplistic? Maybe, but it works. This simple strategy has motivated me to work out consistently for many years.

What is your pay off? Is there something that you really enjoy? Tie it into the task that you know you should do, but that you have been putting off. Make the pay off be the carrot that drives you to action.

Don’t Worry About Perfection

One of my biggest blocks in getting started with doing something is that I’m afraid I won’t do it right. This is usually in connection with something new that I don’t have a lot of experience with. I want to do a good job and I don’t want to mess it up. So what happens? Nothing. I focus so much on my fear of making a mistake that I often do nothing at all.

When you are starting a new project, don’t worry about doing it right initially. Just do something. There is a common principle in physics that states, ‘A body at rest tends to stay at rest, a body in motion tends to stay in motion.’ Get moving. Recognize that you will need to make adjustments along the way. Making adjustments is part of the process of learning how to be successful in any new endeavor. As you begin to do the new task, you will find out what else you need to know. You will discover additional information that will help you achieve your outcome. Don’t focus on the success or failure of each step. Be concerned with taking the most intelligent action at any particular moment and make whatever changes that are necessary. Action, not perfection, creates results.

Develop a Plan

Sometimes we have a new idea but it seems so overwhelming that we do nothing. Create an action plan for a project and then just do one step at a time. I wanted to create an electronic newsletter for more than two years. On a regular basis, I felt the guilt and self-recrimination that comes from knowing that I should do it but not taking action. I am technologically challenged so the entire project seemed more than I could handle. Finally, I decided to create an action plan. I would find other successful electronic newsletters and see how they were put together. I would determine ways to distribute the newsletter to subscribers. I would find ways to let others know about my newsletter. I focused on completing each step and within two weeks, I sent out my premiere issue of Peak Performance Pointers. When I finally broke the task down into simple action steps, I was able to get it done.

Motivation Comes From Action

An interesting thing about lack of motivation is that when we begin a project that we have been putting off, we finally start to feel motivated. Motivation often comes from the doing. When we start something and see it begin to take shape, it becomes exciting. Once we get started, we often find it difficult to stop until the project is completed. As we work on accomplishing a new idea, it is easier to focus on the end result and this creates even more motivation to get it finished. So recognize that if you are waiting to feel motivated to do something, start to do it and then the motivation will kick in.

Many people erroneously believe that successful people are super motivated individuals. Nothing could be further from the truth. While it is wonderful to feel motivated to do something before you begin it, don’t let motivation cause you to fail. Take action towards your goal and you’ll be filled with more motivation than you can handle.

Della Menechella is a speaker, author, and trainer who inspires people to achieve greater success from the inside out. She is a contributing author to Thriving in the Midst of Change and the author of the videotape The Twelve Commandments of Goal Setting. She can be reached at della@dellamenechella.com. Subscribe to free Peak Performance Pointers e-zine - send blank e-mail to mailto:subscribe@dellamenechella.com.

Motivation help is available at:


Need Motivation?

Do you need motivation? Well, maybe you don´t need motivation perhaps something else is missing...

Why you don't need motivation
by: Marie-Pier Charron

As a life coach, I often hear people say they lack motivation – in fact, the “motivation discussion” is almost a ritual with my new clients. You really want something, in fact you almost need it, but you just don’t have the drive to get to it. As a result, you blame yourself; you get stuck in your disappointment, your guilt, or your frustration – further and further away from your goal.

But why are we not always driven enough to meet our objectives in the first place? Is it that we are not sufficiently determined? Or maybe we are not tough and strong enough?

The way I see things, motivation is akin to the sap that runs in the tree: it keeps the tree alive – in fact, it’s essential to it – but it’s useless if the tree (our objective) is rooted in poor, unhealthy grounds. It’s not our motivation that makes the objective real, it’s the other way around: when our goals are healthy, the drive to take action flows naturally. When our goals are unhealthy, we have to push ourselves all along the path to “success” – and we don’t even feel like celebrating at the end (when we do get there).

So what is an “unhealthy” objective? It’s an objective we hold for the wrong reasons, or with the wrong attitude: it’s rooted in poor grounds. It’s not that we should not lose weight; it’s just that we decided to do so because we don’t like (let alone love) ourselves and we think that will patch the problem. It’s not that we should not start this new business; it’s just that we are dead afraid of failure. And there’s nothing wrong with studying law, it’s just that we do so only to honor our (deceased) father’s values and wishes.

There are many factors that can literally kill our motivation at its roots, but weakness certainly isn’t one of them. The real motivation inhibitors go more along this line:

Our objective is not a real priority (Going to the gym, when you have three children to take care of)
We feel our objective is inaccessible (A brand-new Volvo when we can’t afford a Toyota)
Our objective was inspired or chosen by someone else (That law degree…Or maybe your partner wants you to stop smoking)
Our objective is motivated by self-rejection rather than self-respect (Very frequent, and always overlooked. People trying to lose weight often experience that)
Our objective is a strong “should”, or a vibrant “must”; but not a “want” (It would be appropriate to be in better terms with the other members of our family, but we are too resentful about past events to really change anything)
We are afraid of success, afraid of failure. Afraid of something (We are conflicted about our objective, we have mixed motives – even if we are not aware of them)
Our objective is not in alignment with our true self (Looking for a job in a field that doesn’t feel right to us)
Some part of us doesn’t want to reach our objective, for some reasons (We know that when we do reach our goal, we’ll have to do or experience something that repulses us)
We feel overwhelmed by all the actions we have to take (we have a hard time taking one small step at a time)
A recent failure makes us feel powerless
When we start looking at this, we realize that the results we get (or do not get) are an accurate reflection of what we deeply think, and feel. We do not experience in life what we hope for, but rather what we think we deserve, what we expect, what we are the most confident in. That’s how we create. We will not feel much motivation for a goal that is incongruent with our profound beliefs and thoughts – as idyllic as this goal may be.

Motivation isn’t about toughness and strength – it’s about alignment. It’s not necessarily about wanting something very badly… but more about wanting something completely. When we lack motivation, some part of us is saying, “I don’t want to reach that goal – it doesn’t serve me”. Maybe it’s time to change our objective… maybe we need to look inward and take care of other things first (see the list above). Or maybe we just need to take a deep breath, relax, and listen to the wind for a while…

Marie-Pier Charron is founder of Implosions, and editor of a monthly newsletter filled with practical tips and powerful self-growth strategies. To get your own free subscription, visit her at http://www.implosions.net info@implosions.net

Still need motivation?

Motivation, Keys To

There are secret keys to motivation most people know nothing about. Do you know the keys to lasting motivation?

Motivation-- the Key is in Your Actions
by: Kate Hufstetler

Have you ever read something like this as a "way to increase motivation"? :

"When you open your eyes get yourself excited to be awake each new day !! Joy is contagious, and so is pessimism! Tell yourself you're happy to be alive!. This might be the day you find love. Great things could come your way. Think positively that something good will happen to you today and 3 our of 4 chances it will."

To this I say BAH HUMBUG ! gibberish !!!! hahaha

Who re-writes this stuff (over and over and over)? Have they ever had depression? faced bankruptcy? been hit by a tornado? .... perhaps...

The truth is-- motivation CAN be generated... but not out of thin air.

To create a life filled with motivation start with 3 small steps:

** Set Goals-- then you have something you love to work for or to work towards.

** Have Hobbies -- something you are learning or are passionate about in your free time... then TAKE TIME to pursue them! You will be amazed how the thought of returning to a pleasure later in the evening can help you feel great and desire to get through the work day ahead!!

** Be in the Moment -- one of the things I discovered in my thirties is that there is a BETTER word for boredom--- it is a hidden well kept secret to those under 32. Would you like to know what the real term for that feeling is? ok-- here goes-- it is PEACE. Enjoy it :-)

How can you expect motivation without: personal goals? If you have a personal short term goal for each week that works towards your monthly and yearly longer term goals-- this will inspire you throughout your week.

Motivation is easier when: you have hobbies you LOVE, enjoy, and pursue. A few side bonuses include: you will be a more pleasant person to be around, have more to talk about with friends and new acquaintances, and feel better about yourself and your day as you look forward to each new opportunity to pursue your passions.

For Motivation: all throughout the day, if you can remember and try to stay in the moment (called mindfulness) when things aren't quite as exciting-- then you will come to realize that at every given moment you have everything you need.

This is not mumbo jumbo. In years past, I went through an upsetting situation or 2 myself. Yet, I honestly can say: there might have been things I wanted, or felt I needed, in those moments. BUT, in the absolute miniscule of the moment-- right there and then-- I could realize that with the situation / circumstance unchangeable then (even as it was) I had everything I was going to have.

And THERE-- in that space, in each breath, I was infinitely -- ok. (even if I "felt" horrible). Often times, you will find you are much, much more than "ok". You are truly BLESSED-- especially compared to those in war torn villages, or third world countries.

No one has to wait until their 30's to begin to realize how to live their life on course and as a fulfilling joy.

In fact many of us set goals, had hobbies, and lived in the moment as teenagers. Maybe we were onto something back then!

If life has thrown you a curve you never intended on-- fire right back! Don't give up. Instead find your motivation again in each day as you live on purpose with goals and designs that bring your life joy and pleasure.

Work daily to keep before you things to achieve, elements that bring delight, and all along the way stay reflective in the moment. If you can do this-- your motivation should naturally grow on a daily basis.

Until next time--- all the best,


Kate Hufstetler is a well established business & personal coach who has helped many individuals like yourself to beat "the blues" and gain control over their lives. Her clients come from both the United States and overseas. She offers coaching services via email and phone consultations at flexible timing and financing to meet your every need. Through personal, business, spiritual mentorship, she could help you too! Please visit for available packages within your range: http://www.comedreamwithme.com/start_today.html

Motivation, the keys are in your hands now - use them!

Leadership Motivation

Want to learn about leadership motivation? You may need to more than you think. Why? Because we all need to influence others and we need to know how to motivate ourselves and others - leadership motivation is very important...

Three Factors Of Leadership Motivation
by: Brent Filson

Leaders do nothing more important than get results. But you can't get results by yourself. You need others to help you do it. And the best way to have other people get results is not by ordering them but motivating them. Yet many leaders fail to motivate people to achieve results because those leaders misconstrue the concept and applications of motivation. To understand motivation and apply it daily, let's understand its three critical factors. Know these factors and put them into action to greatly enhance your abilities to lead for results.


'Motivation' has common roots with 'motor,' 'momentum,' 'motion,' 'mobile,' etc. all words that denote movement, physical action. An essential feature of motivation is physical action. Motivation isn't about what people think or feel but what they physically do. When motivating people to get results, challenge them to take those actions that will realize those results.

I counsel leaders who must motivate individuals and teams to get results not to deliver presentations but 'leadership talks.' Presentations communicate information. But when you want to motivate people, you must do more than simply communicate information. You must have them believe in you and take action to follow you. A key outcome of every leadership talk must be physical action, physical action that leads to results.

For instance, I worked with the newly appointed director of a large marketing department who wanted the department to achieve sizable increases in the results. However, the employees were a demoralized bunch who had been clocking tons of overtime under her predecessor and were feeling angry that their efforts were not being recognized by senior management.

She could have tried to order them to get the increased results. Many leaders do that. But order leadership founders in today's highly competitive, rapidly changing markets. Organizations are far more competitive when their employees instead of being ordered to go from point A to point B want to go from point A to point B. So I suggested that she take a first step in getting the employees to increase results by motivating those employees to want to increase results. They would 'want to' when they began to believe in her leadership. And the first step in enlisting that belief was for her to give a number of leadership talks to the employees.

One of her first talks that she planned was to the department employees in the company's auditorium.

She told me, 'I want them to know that I appreciate the work they are doing and that I believe that they can get the results I'm asking of them. I want them to feel good about themselves.'

'Believing is not enough,' I said. 'Feeling good is not enough. Motivation must take place. Physical action must take place. Don't give the talk until you know what precise action you are going to have happen.'

She got the idea of having the CEO come into the room after the talk, shake each employee's hand, and tell each how much he appreciated their hard work physical action. She didn't stop there. After the CEO left, she challenged each employee to write down on a piece of paper three specific things that they needed from her to help them get the increases in results and then hand those pieces of paper to her personally physical action.

Mind you, that leadership talk wasn't magic dust sprinkled on the employees to instantly motivate them. (To turn the department around so that it began achieving sizable increases in results, she had to give many leadership talks in the weeks and months ahead.) But it was a beginning. Most importantly, it was the right beginning.


Emotion and motion come from the same Latin root meaning 'to move'. When you want to move people to take action, engage their emotions. An act of motivation is an act of emotion. In any strategic management endeavor, you must make sure that the people have a strong emotional commitment to realizing it.

When I explained this to the chief marketing officer of a worldwide services company, he said, 'Now I know why we're not growing! We senior leaders developed our marketing strategy in a bunker! He showed me his 'strategy' document. It was some 40 pages long, single spaced. The points it made were logical, consistent, and comprehensive. It made perfect sense. That was the trouble. It made perfect, intellectual sense to the senior leaders. But it did not make experiential sense to middle management who had to carry it out. They had about as much input into the strategy as the window washers at corporate headquarters. So they sabotaged it in many innovative ways. Only when the middle managers were motivated were emotionally committed to carrying out the strategy did that strategy have a real chance to succeed.


The English language does not accurately depict the psychological truth of motivation. The truth is that we cannot motivate anybody to do anything. The people we want to motivate can only motivate themselves. The motivator and the 'motivatee' are always the same person. We as leaders communicate, they motivate. So our 'motivating' others to get results really entails our creating an environment in which they motivate themselves to get those results.

For example: a commercial division leader almost faced a mutiny on his staff when in a planning session, he put next year's goals, numbers much higher than the previous year's, on the overhead. The staff all but had to be scrapped off the ceiling after they went ballistic. 'We busted our tails to get these numbers last year. Now you want us to get much higher numbers? No way!'

He told me. 'We can hit those numbers. I just have to get people motivated!'

I gave him my person!' pitch. I suggested that he create an environment in which they could motivate themselves. So he had them assess what activities got results and what didn't. They discovered that they spent more than 60 percent of their time on work that had nothing to do with getting results. He then had them develop a plan to eliminate the unnecessary work. Put in charge of their own destiny, they got motivated! They developed a great plan and started to get great results.

Over the long run, your career success does not depend on what schools you went to and what degrees you have. That success depends instead on your ability to motivate individuals and teams to get results. Motivation is like a high voltage cable lying at your feet. Use it the wrong way, and you'll get a serious shock. But apply motivation the right way by understanding and using the three factors, plug the cable in, as it were, and it will serve you well in many powerful ways throughout your career.

© 2004 The Filson Leadership Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

Brent Filson is the author of 23 books, many of which deal with leadership. His recent books are, THE LEADERSHIP TALK: THE GREATEST LEADERSHIP TOOL and 101 WAYS TO GIVE GREAT LEADERSHIP TALKS. He is founder and president of The Filson Leadership Group, Inc. Sign up for his free leadership ezine and get a free guide, '49 Ways To Turn Action Into Results,' at: http://www.actionleadership.com

Now You Know About Leadership motivation!