Wednesday, May 18, 2005

How To Procrastinate!

There are certain skills required when learning how to
procrastinate. It isn’t enough just to know how to
procrastinate, but one needs to know why and when to do it.

In this article you can find suggestions on how to
procrastinate and the reasons behind choosing this option.

Eventually, with practice this can become a skill and a
person will no longer need to know how to procrastinate but
can put their knowledge into action.

There are reasons why people procrastinate, and to know how
to procrastinate purposefully it is important to know what
the main reasons for choosing this option are:

1. Poor time management.

2. Inability to prioritise.

3. An overload of tasks (integral in deciding how to
procrastinate and choose which task to leave longest).

4. Task anxiety, will it be a success or a failure?

5. Feeling overwhelmed, bored, any kind of negative feeling.

There is an old saying, "You know you’re getting old when
it takes to much effort to procrastinate." This infers
that it requires some effort to learn how to procrastinate,
which is not necessarily always the case.

How to procrastinate is a choice of the procrastinator not
the situation, there are various methods or distractions a
person can employ to procrastinate successfully:

1. Time filling. The most important thing when learning
how to procrastinate is to replace the time that should
have been used doing one task by doing something more
appealing to the would-be procrastinator.

2. Goal completion. Knowing how to procrastinate well does
not mean time should be spent sitting doing nothing but
breathing. Having a goal with a set amount of time means a
level of procrastination can be permitted without harm to
the task.

3. Schedule clashes. Often one piece of previous
procrastination can be used as an excuse for another bout
of procrastination. A more tedious task can be supplanted
by a less tedious one that had already suffered from delay

4. Money or friends? Which comes first? In learning how
to procrastinate a person has to decide which is most
important and which can be put off for a period of time. A
friendless rich man or a broke popular person, which is
more appealing?

5. Clear thinking and justification. When deciding how to
procrastinate it is important to choose how to qualify the
procrastination, if you cannot justify it to yourself then
you are not learning how to procrastinate properly.

The dictionary definition of ‘procrastinate’ is "To put off
doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or

When learning how to procrastinate only the former part of
that definition is true, the act does not have to be due to
‘carelessness’ or ‘laziness’.

Being able to know how to procrastinate does not have to
have negative connotations, it can mean a person is good at
time delegation and work prioritising, both important
skills in business and education.

So tips to remember:

1. Prioritise. Procrastinate with care.

2. Fill your time. Don’t waste an act of procrastination.

3. Perspective. Don’t let procrastination affect money,
friends or health if possible.

4. Keep a goal in sight. Be realistic in time management
so procrastination is possible.

5. Know how to procrastinate and feel positive about it.

Finally it is not just a skill to know how to procrastinate
but when to do it, some things just can not be left till
later or tomorrow, again this depends on circumstance and
the individual. Knowing how to procrastinate is a useful
tool in a busy world.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert.
He recently produced a very popular free report that
reveals how to crush procrastination and sustain lasting
motivation. Apply now because it is available for a
limited time only at:

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