Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Don't Procrastinate! Get Things Done Now...

In the fast paced setting of the modern world, it's pretty
tempting at times to procrastinate. We've all had moments
in our lives where the urge to procrastinate is

Putting things off or choosing to procrastinate rather than
actually getting work done can lead to serious problems in
the long run. If you procrastinate and want some quick tips
for getting the tasks at hand done when you get them, look
no further.

1. Break it up: Perhaps you've wanted to reorganize your
closet, but it's such a huge project you procrastinate and
are reluctant to begin.

If this is the case, then break up that large task into to
smaller increments so you can't really procrastinate. Not
only will it seem doable, but you'll find yourself with a
clean closet in a relatively short amount of time and won't

However you break up the process is up to you, but I've
found sorting through clothes on one day and shoes on
another is a quite effective method to help me not

2. Lighten up: Another helpful tip in combating
procrastination includes changing your mindset. If you're a
perfectionist, you know that the thought of even beginning
a project is overwhelming because you're consumed with
having it turn out "just right" which causes many to

Getting rid of or suppressing this urge for perfection will
definitely help your project get under way and stop the
annoying urge to procrastinate.

By setting reachable goals for yourself, you will have
realistic expectations of what you can do, and you'll find
seeing a task through from start to finish is less work
when not worrying about every little detail and ultimately
won't procrastinate.

3. Schedule it: If you can't seem to get started on
anything, make a list to combat your habit to
procrastinate. Rank all of your projects in order based on
when they're due and how difficult they are.

It's hard to procrastinate with a list in front of you,
guiding you through the day. Make sure to put this to-do
list in a prominent place in your office or on your desk so
it greets you at each morning as inspiration to not

4. Put it off, a little: Try some structured delay time to
end your putting off of projects indefinitely that leads to
the tendency to procrastinate.

When planning to work on an assignment, schedule in breaks
where you can stand, stretch, and relax for a bit before
getting back to it. Planned leisure time is great, as long
as it stays within set boundaries and doesn't turn into
time where you procrastinate.

Go ahead and watch your favorite TV show before picking an
essay topic, but make sure the television goes off once
it's over.

Fight the urge to leave the TV on while you work and press
the 'off' button immediately after your program ends. This
way, you remove the distractions around you, making
focusing on work easier and the temptation to procrastinate

So whatever your personal barriers are when it comes to
tending to procrastinate, just keep structure in mind when
planning your day. Don't leave super large slots of time
that could cause you to procrastinate.

Ultimately, it's up to you to change your behavior patterns
and eliminate the bad habit to procrastinate in your life.

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