Do you need help dealing with procrastination?
Most people do at some point because we all procrastinate at times - thankfully procrastination help is available so read on for some great tips...
How to Avoid Procrastination
by Jan Tincher
Do you procrastinate? Do you remember the last time you procrastinated? It didn’t feel so great, did it? How often did you regret not doing what you procrastinated doing? Bugged you, didn’t it?
Well, let’s do something about it. OK? Are you ready?
Sit down and relax. Get ready to visualize.
Imagine you are in a good environment. Describe where you are, what you see. Look at what it is you are procrastinating over. You are in the picture. How do you look? How do you feel? Describe your thoughts with all the actions.
Are the pictures you’re making in your mind clear or fuzzy? Close or far away? Color or black and white? Is there movement or noise? Do you visualize what you are procrastinating over differently than everything else in the picture? Is most of your picture clear, but what you are procrastinating over fuzzy? Is what you are procrastinating over farther away in the picture?
Now, let’s say the procrastination area is fuzzy and small and the other things are clear and large. Why don’t you put a frame around the clear image, and make the frame white. Now, put a blue frame around the procrastination area. And, just like that, switch the two images. Now, the procrastinating image will be clear and large and the other will be small and fuzzy.
Now, can you enhance the procrastinating scene so that the image is all around you, front, back, and both sides? Now, really enhance the picture, so much that the other image in the blue frame has disappeared.
How about that? Wasn’t that fantastic?
Now, on the other side of the coin, wouldn’t you like to use procrastination where it will do you the most good? After all, you did it so well, why don’t you learn to use it where it’s needed?
Remember, all you really have to do is diminish the image of whatever it is you really don’t want to do, and enhance the image of the activity that you want to do.
When a person doesn’t want to do something, they usually substitute doing something else in its place. Something they’d rather do. Invariably, they will create a strong bright image for the thing they’d rather do. Learn how your mind works. Change it so it works for you.
Procrastination is a wonderful, positive resource, if used in the right way. Why don’t you procrastinate smoking, drinking, overeating, etc.? Think of all the great things with which you can replace anger, resentment, jealousy, guilt or any other negative things in your life! How about your feelings about old age, illnesses, or any bad habits?
Procrastinate your negative reactions away! Procrastinate Procrastination!
Copyright 2003, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide
DISCLAIMER: Jan Tincher and/or *Tame Your Brain!* do not guarantee or warrant that the techniques and strategies portrayed will work for everyone. The techniques and strategies are general in nature and may not apply to everyone. The techniques and strategies are not intended to substitute for obtaining medical advice from the medical profession. Always consult your own professionals before making any life-changing decisions.
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