New Year means new goals for most people. Here's an interesting interview about New Year Resolutions with Rick D'Amico from Fox10.
How to overcome procrastination by using a proven step-by-step method to sustain lasting motivation. Tips, strategies and techniques to help you to start achieving again.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Boredom Causes Procrastination
This photo is originally titled, "wowthisisboring." This can type of text can really bore a person that is why most students procrastinate a lot when studying.
Goal Setting
Some people don't believe in goal setting while some fail on it. To be able to succeed in your goals in life, goal setting can really help. You just need to take action and be motivated in achieving your goals. This video might help you with goal setting.
Time Management and the 80-20 Rule
Effective time management is one of the solutions to procrastination. Here's a video that discusses about time management and the 80-20 Rule.
Motivation Tips for Students
Procrastination usually strikes students. There could be a lot of reasons why they procrastinate: boredom, peer pressure, distractions, or maybe lack of interest and motivation. For students who suffer procrastination, here are Effective Study Motivation Tips.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
How To Track Your Time
Tracking your time can help in effective time management and avoid procrastination. Here's a video on how to track your time.
How To Pass Exams
Been wondering on how to pass your exams? The photo says it all - by overcoming procrastination.
Time Management Tips For Students
Here are time management tips and techniques for students. Since the students are more likely to procrastinate, especially during exams, they really need to have an effective time management plan.
The Secret to Time Management
This video shows the secret on how to succeed with time management and avoid procrastination. Getting rid of procrastination will help us succeed with our goals in life.
Ways To Motivate Yourself This Year
Its the start of the year and usually, we set goals or we have plans on our career, life, family, etc. for this year. But what mostly happens is that we lose the enthusiasm for these plans or goals as time passes by. So if we are serious with these plans, we have to get motivated. Here are 4 Ways to Motivate Yourself in 2009.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Suicide Bombers' Motivation
Motivation is a very effective way in achieving one's goals. Even terrorists are well-motivated in doing their acts. Here's a video that explains the motivation of suicide bombers.
Dancing With Time
When we procrastinate, we somehow dance with time. Instead of doing our tasks, we spend our precious time to other things and never get our job done.
Success Secrets From the Bible
This is a presentation of the seven Noahide Laws. Learn about the success secrets from the bible.
The Reason Why People Succeed
Have you ever asked yourself why others have succeed in their goals? While you are still there searching for the ways on how to succeed? This video will tell you the #1 reason why people succeed.
Motivation to Exercise
Exercising at home is not effective to some people. Some even have exercise machine at home to help them get fit. But still no improvement done. According to an article at NY Times, what people needs is motivation. An exercise machine will be useless if people are not well motivated to do the exercise and get fit.
Friday, January 09, 2009
Millionaire Awaken Your Secret
This video is inspired by Napoleon Hill's book, "Think and Grow Rich." Learn about the success principles and The Secret.
German Keyboard
The keyboard is one of our companions in procrastination. But this is a German keyboard. Notice the letters? Its in QWERTZ layout, not the common QWERTY. Anyway, this is really a good shot.
Success Story of Mark Ewing
This video shows how Mark Ewing succeed in using The Secret and The Law of Attraction. Watch and be inspired.
law of attraction,
mark ewing,
Success story,
the secret
How the Church Measures Success
Success is measured differently by each person. A person who feels successful may not be perceived as successful by other person. Even the church has its own measure of success.
Setting Goals That Help
People sometimes don't realize that they need self-improvement not only for themselves but for their relationship with other people and of course for the achievement of their goals. People often realize it when their relationship with other people is broken already or that they have failed in their goals. Setting goals for self-improvement can save us from failure. Here is a good article about Setting Goals That Help.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Stay Motivated In Life
Staying fit and healthy is one of the difficult things to stay motivated to. This video shares the secret on How to stay motivated in life for health, wellness, fitness and weight loss.
Personal Approach To Goal Setting
In achieving your goals, goal setting is most often advised. By setting your goals, you have an organized plan in achieving them. There are ways on how to set your goals. But you can also have your own approach in goal setting. Check out Glen's personal approach in goal setting.
Motivational Speech From Steve Jobs
Behind the success of the Apple Company is Steve Jobs. With his present status, would you believe that he never graduated from college? Here is a motivational speech from Steve Jobs.
Time is very precious, we cannot turn it back. Once we spend it by procrastinating, it will be wasted. Too many people fail because of procrastinating and wasting their time.
Don't Quit Poem
Here is an inspiring video based from the "Don't Quit Poem."
Motivation Money
Some people became rich because of their strong motivation for money. Here is a scene from Boiler Room with the 27 year-old millionaire.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
How to Set Goals
If you haven't tried goal setting yet, let this video guide you on how to succeed in goal setting.
How To Stay Focused
One problem that we encounter when doing our tasks or job is distraction. When we get distracted, we tend to procrastinate. As we procrastinate, we waste our time and never get our job done. So how do we stay focused on our job? Here's a helpful article on how to stay focused on job at hand.
Goal Setting Success
If you still don't believe in goal setting, check out this video about goal setting success.
Giving Up Is A Failure
Once you give up, you automatically fail. Those who have fall down but did not give up still has a chance to succeed. Success can take time so giving up should not be an option.
Google Teacher Academy 2008 Application Video
Here is an application video for Google Teachers Academy 2008 that talks about motivation and learning.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Focus and Concentration
One problem why we procrastinate is that we lack focus and concentration. Here is a video that might help in getting backour focus and concentration.
Virtual Tools For Studying - Avoiding Procrastination
Lessons are sometimes boring. That's what makes students procrastinate most of the time. Studying can also be annoying for students. But they have to. Maybe teachers should also consider making their class more interesting. Especially in virtual studying, there are so many temptations and distractions for students over the internet. So what could be some tools to be used for students in virtual studying? Here is a list from Vanessa Van Petten.
Motivating Children
Most kids are hard to encourage and motivate in going to school. Here are tips on how to motivate your kids to succeed in school.
is it over yet?
is it over yet? is it over yet? is it
over yet? is it over yet?
Originally uploaded by cteteris * คาร์ลี่
This photo reminds me of my schooldays. I usually dawdle on my notebook when we were asked to do something or when the lesson gets boring. Simply put, procrastinating. Its not really a cool thing to do, kids.
Motivation and Learning
This video is produced by students to help Mr. Seymour go to Google school. The kids actually talked about motivation and learning.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Beat Procrastination
Beating those social demons was never easy. Procrastination is one of those demons that destroy our goals and dreams in life. To beat procrastination is one step to success. Here is a video that discusses about procrastination.
Take Action
This beautiful photo is entitled, "The Road Lies Ahead, and I Stand Worrying About The Rain..." Along with the photo is the quote:
"I must not wait for inspiration to start a thing - action generates inspiration, inspiration seldom generates action."
-Frank Tibolt
Very meaningful and true. No matter how inspired we are, it will be useless if we don't take action. So let us not wait for inspiration to start a thing. We should be the one who has to start it.
"I must not wait for inspiration to start a thing - action generates inspiration, inspiration seldom generates action."
-Frank Tibolt
Very meaningful and true. No matter how inspired we are, it will be useless if we don't take action. So let us not wait for inspiration to start a thing. We should be the one who has to start it.
Importance of Motivation
This video speaks about the importance of motivation. For most students, lectures are boring and they are the ones who are most likely to procrastinate.
How To Be A Morning Person
Waking up early in the morning and start doing our daily routine seems to be very difficult - especially for procrastinators. But being a morning person is actually one way to beat procrastination. Here's a post that will tell you How To Become A Morning Person.
Motivation to Procrastination
Motivation seems to be too high in the beginning. As we go through our tasks, the motivation eventually wears off. The tendency is that we procrastinate. This video will tell you more about it.
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