What is your definition of success? This video shows different definitions of success from random people.
How to overcome procrastination by using a proven step-by-step method to sustain lasting motivation. Tips, strategies and techniques to help you to start achieving again.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
How Students Can Stop Procrastinating
Since students are the ones who procrastinates more often, here is a video that would help them stop procrastination.
Setting Goals For Motivation
Setting goals can motivate a person. Its like putting a vision in our mind of achieving our dreams.
Motivation in Losing Weight
If you are concerned with your health and have now decided to lose weight and become healthier, here is a video that might give you the motivation you need.
Flaws of Extrinsic Motivation
In any business, extrinsic motivation is mostly applied. It is actually one of the old practices in business. But little did we know that there are also flaws with extrinsic motivation.
Monday, December 29, 2008
A Question That Would Stop Procrastination
Find out how you can stop procrastination with this single question from the video:
Job Interview Success
Job interviews scare a lot of people. Because of this, they become nervous and fail most interviews. Here is a video that would help you succeed in job interviews.
Setting Goals
photo by ericabiz of Flickr.com
Sales Motivation
It seems like motivation is most needed by the sales team. I found this video about sales motivation telling not to listen to others. Watch the video and find out why.
Formula of Procrastination
Surely there are many reasons on why we procrastinate. But have you heard of a formula that explains procrastination? Here's an article that would provide you with the formula of procrastination. This is just a made-up formula of some academics - maybe while they're procrastinating.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Google AdWords Success story
Watch this video about the success story of MobileDemand in their Google AdWords campaign in reaching their customers.
Special Tin Can
A simple tin can made special. This seems to be a really nice idea of a tin can. Can be used as a motivator, goal reminder, source of inspiration (putting inspirational quotes on the tin can), or simply just a tin can.
Time Management Secret
One thing to stop procrastination is time management practice. We can set a schedule of our daily routines but the problem is we do not follow it. Here is a video about time management secret that might help everyone.
Conquer Procrastination
We may all be aware that procrastination is "the thief of time." Instead of doing our tasks, we procrastinate and most of the time we never get the jobs done. Some are a bit proud of procrastinating while some are actually worried. Well, we should really be worried. Here are 6 Steps To Conquer Procrastination.
Motivating People
One way to motivate a person is through acknowledgment of their work and appreciation. If you tell them how great they are or how well they did, they'd feel flattered and of course, more motivated to do their job.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Way to Avoid Procrastination
Each one of us can create ways on how to avoid procrastination, have motivation, and achieve our goals. Putting a challenge on ourselves might work. Read this post about a child's way to avoid procrastination.
Success in Google AdSense
Are you running Google AdSense? Are you one of those who hasn't been successful? Here's a video of step-by-step guide to AdSense success.
An Organizer For Your Goals
This is an organizer. Very useful for goal setting and of course organizing your tasks or for time management. When you're working on a goal, this would come in handy in putting all the things you need to do and assign a specific time for it so that you can be very well guided on your tasks.
Weight Loss Motivation Tips
It is often difficult to keep up with our workout plans. Losing weight is always a hard thing to do, especially for people who lack the motivation. This video gives you weight loss motivation tips for a successful workout.
How To Become Successful In Life?
Do you want to be successful in life? Well here is a video about "5 Things I've Learned to Become Successful in Life" by Patrick Chan.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Success Tips For Your Monavie Business
Been into Monavie business lately? Been struggling so far? Here are tips to success for your Monavie business:
Goal Setting and Motivation
Goal setting and motivation are both components of success. Here is an interview with W.Mitchell by Frank Furness about goal setting and motivation.
How To Deal With Gossip At Work
Gossip at work can sometimes be unavoidable and also annoying. It can distract you from work, create hostility among officemates, and can even destroy you or the company. If you want to succeed in your career, you wouldn't want to get affected by these gossips nor you don't want to get involved, right? Well, here are some ways on how to deal with gossip at work.
Secret of Sales Success
Salespeople often complain how stressed and pressured they are. They are stressed because of their customers and pressured by their bosses. Being on the sales team could really be hard. You have to deal with the differences of your customers just to convince them to try your product, and the likes. Here is a video about the Secrets of Sales Success.
To-Do Note to Avoid Procrastination
This is a good way to write your task on and avoid procrastination. It will easily catch your attention when there is an attempt of procrastination and remind you of your deadline.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Motivating an Affiliate
Here is a video of Shawn Collins talking on how to motivate an affiliate in promoting an affiliate program.
Teen Weight Loss Success
Typically, kids are the ones who are not very conscious of their weight or health. But as they grow up and become teenagers, they become more conscious with their figure and so they tend to lose weight. But of course, it is not that easy for most teenagers. Here's an article that provides 5 tips for success in teen weight loss.
Motivating Clip From Gladiator
Most movies have their own set of life's lessons to share. Sometimes we don't just notice it, or we're too occupied with the movie or the stars for us to notice the values to be learned in that movie. Here is a clip from the Gladiator movie - a motivating one.
Need Motivation?
Need motivation? See the latest advertisement from Nike+ to know how you can get motivated.
Two Monitors For Procrastination
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Inspiring Quotes
Here's a compilation of inspiring quotes from famous people. Be inspired to succeed.
Fear of Success
Procrastination is caused by a lot of things. Boredom, lifestyle, laziness, lack of interest or motivation, etc. But procrastination can also be caused by fear of success. Here's an interesting article about procrastination as the result of fear of success.
Success Tips
Still searching for tips to success? Here's a video that would give you some useful tips to success.
No Elevator To Success
Yes there's no elevator to success, so you have to walk. There's no easy way to success and you have to take the hard way if you want to reach it.
Diddy and Lil Wane On Their Secret To Success
In the entertainment industry, it seems really hard to succeed. Being a starter in the industry may feel really hard seeing those big stars. Here's Diddy and Lil Wayne sharing their secrets to success.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Ladder Of Success
Nice capture and very simple. The message is also very meaningful. Not too many people get to the top of the ladder of success, many fail merely because of quitting. Even if you fail to climb at any step, as long as you do not quit, you'll eventually get to the top of the ladder.
Youtube Phenomenon
Do you procrastinate on youtube? It seems that youtube has been the favorite past time of most procrastinators nowadays.
Life Coaching
Procrastination is one of the bad habits that most people have. We want to stop it but we can't. There are many ways on how to overcome procrastination and one of them is Life Coaching.
Students Talk About Procrastination
Boston University students talked about their study habits and how they procrastinate during final exams.
Why People Procrastinate
Here's an interview with Psychologist Dr. Greg Cason about why people procrastinate and how to stop it.
Monday, December 22, 2008
If Only Computers Got Hands
Upon seeing this photo, procrastination came into my mind. Because we spend too much time in the internet. Only if those hands are real, maybe it will also grab our head to let us realize that we've been procrastinating in there.
Andy Cohen's Secret to Success
Andy Cohen, business motivational speaker, shares his secret to success in this video:
Concentration and Procrastination Problem
Procrastination problem is shown in this video wherein a guy is having problems with his concentration and so he procrastinated:
Self Improvement
Each one of us aspires to improve our selves. Have higher self-esteem, confidence, to stop procrastinating, and so on. There are also a lot of self-help guides, trainings, e-books, etc. found in the internet. If you're on your quest to self-improvement as well, check out this post: Motivation is the Core of Self Improvement.
Success Principles from Jack Canfield
Would you believe that the book, Chicken Soup for the Soul, was rejected by over 144 publishers before it finally hit the market? Author, Jack Canfield, talks about perseverance and the principles of success in this video:
chicken soup for the soul,
jack canfield,
Sunday, December 21, 2008
End Procrastination
Been having procrastination problems lately? Here's a video that will help you end your procrastination:
Distraction and Procrastination
When we have so much time to work on something, distraction and procrastination comes in easily. We couldn't notice the time ticking until a few hours left to finish what we're doing. This post would best describe what I'm talking about: The Pondering of a Lost Mind.
Weight Loss Motivation
Maybe one of the hardest thing to do is to lose weight. Food are so delicious to resist. The couch potato lifestyle is also very convenient and worry-free. But the main concern there is our health that is why we need to lose weight at a certain point. Especially this holiday season, we need to watch our diet. Here's a video about Weight Loss Motivation that will surely help us:
4 Steps To Eliminate Procrastination
This video provides the 4 steps to eliminate procrastination. Watch to discover the greatness in you.
Procrastination Never Gets The Job Done
by Christiane_B of Flickr.com
Nice shot actually. The title is also ironic. Idleness never gets the job done. How could it be done if you do nothing? Just the same with procrastination. There may be technologies that would aid us in doing our tasks, but it still needs us for it to operate. So it is the same as Procrastination never gets the job done.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Motivation and Success
Motivation can lead to success. A person who is well motivated is more eager to do his tasks and succeed in his goal. Here is an interesting video about Motivation and Success:
Aim High
Always aim high. To settle for the second best is like giving up the fight. If you fail to be the best, there's always a second chance, just keep trying.
The Procrastinator's Handbook
Here's an interview of Rita Emmett about her book, "The Procrastinator's Handbook."
Increase Motivation at Work
Motivation at work, as we all know, is very important. The success of the company lies on the performance of its people - be it the boss or the employees. This video will tell us how to increase motivation at work.
Top 10 Strategies for Success
There has been a lot of techniques on how to succeed. All of these can be effective if you follow it thoroughly. But don't depend on it. Those are just guide for everyone. Success still lies in your hand. Here's one of those guides that might just help you on your road to success: Top 10 Strategies for Success.
Friday, December 19, 2008
How Rewards Help Stop Procrastination
Watch this video as Professional Speaker Rita Emmett speaks about ho to stop procrastination.
Top 10 Motivation Tips
Staying Motivated is a key to success. Here is the top 10 Motivation Tips from Natalie on how to achieve your goals.
A Picture of Success
Isn't it fulfilling to finally reach the top? Try to look down from where you came and remember the struggles you have been through to reach the top.
Psychology of Success
Learn the Psychology of Success from Tom Wood and Les Brown.
Procrastination Happens Anytime, Anywhere
Procrastination happens anytime, anywhere. Be it in work, school, home, and even in malls. But I think schooling is where procrastination mostly occurs. Here's a post of procrastination from a student: Atown's Place To Think blog.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Success Secrets You Forgot You Knew
Check this video about the success secrets you forgot you knew by William White, professor of industrial engineering and management sciences at the McCormick School of Engineering and former CEO of Bell and Howell Company.
Success Coaching
Succeeding feels very difficult at times. But quitting is very easy. We can quit any second, anywhere we want. But success is rewarding. If we get through those difficulties, we get the things we've been dreaming of. Whereas quitting fails us and gets us to nowhere near those dreams. Here are success coaching and personal development tips for everyone who needs to boost their motivation to succeed.
Soar High
Amazing capture! Just like this eagle, we can soar high and succeed with our dreams. Just keep motivated always and never quit.
Brian Tracy's Success Secrets
An inspiring video by Brian Tracy about his success secrets in getting goals faster.
Wealth and Abundance Success
Here's a success secret to wealth and abundance. Enjoy!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Procrastination by Amy Winehouse
Sometimes, we may not be aware that what we do is already a form of procrastination. Well, here's a song from Amy Winehouse entitled Procrastination. Hopefully this would remind you of procrastination and make you realize when you're in that situation.
Success Is A Choice
Know why success is a choice from this video:
Dangers Of Procrastination
If some of you haven't realized how dangerous procrastination is, watch this video:
Your Own Secret To Success
Each person has their own secret to success. We have our own inspirations, motivations, support from people around us, a lucky charm or anything that helps us succeed in life. If you think you don't have one yet, then create yours. Bridget Zinn got herself Wool Socks as her secret to success.
A Secret To Success
During the difficult times of our life, we may feel so hopeless in achieving our goals. But these are the times that we should even strive harder for it and never give up. These difficult times are just part of our endeavor to success. Here's a little secret on how to get through these difficulties in life.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Procrastination on TLC Life Lesson
Here's a TLC Life Lesson about Procrastination
Quotes of Success
Albert Einstein, being one of the world's greatest scientists, has achieved a lot in his craft. He was also given honors or awards for his greatness and contributions in the world. Here are some quotes from the great scientist himself that we can apply to our daily endeavor and be inspired to succeed like him.
What Is Procrastination?
Here's a simple answer to what procrastination is:
Procrastinated on Photoshop
Amazing photo. But did you know that the owner of this has to procrastinate in photoshop just to complete it? Photoshop can really eat much of your time.
Procrastination Problem
If you still don't understand procrastination, here is a video that explains the problem of procrastination:
Monday, December 15, 2008
Student Procrastination
Here is an interesting video about the procrastination of students.
The Power of Three
Anyone heard of the "Power of Three" technique. I just came across to it and I think it could help us succeed in our goals or dreams. To know how you can make it work for you, read this post about "The Power of Three."
Why People Succeed?
Ever wonder why other people succeed in life? The secrets are revealed by Richard St. John in this video:
Desk Mess
Nice artwork. Though with this type of mess, would you have the willingness to tidy it up right away? I don't think so. This type of mess causes us to procrastinate.
Myths of Work-Life Balance
If you think you need more time for the day to finish your school work or household chores, well you don't really need to wish for a day to have at least 25 hours instead of 24. All you need is work-life balance. At Chick Chat blog, you can learn about the Myths of Work-Life Balance.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Employee Motivation
Here's a photo for the bosses. This ought to let them realize the importance of motivating their employees.
Executive Motivation
Motivation is not only needed by workers or employees but managers and top executives as well. In fact people, in general, needs it. Our leaders, managers, top executives, etc. are the ones who must show more motivation so that the people under them will get motivated as well. Here is a great discussion about Executive Motivation.
A Motivating Video
Here's a motivating video developed by Profiles International Inc. that will inspire you not just to be the best but to be great.
Allow Yourself to Succeed
Procrastination cannot lead us to success, that's a fact. But why would we allow ourselves to let procrastination hinder us from achieving our goals or reaching our dreams? Here's an interesting post about Allowing Yourself To Succeed To Your Full Potential.
Workout Motivator
Sometimes procrastination occurs only when we lack the motivation to do our tasks or accomplish our goals. If music can motivate you, then Nike and Apple has something for you to boost your motivation while working out. Have a Nike+ iPod Sport Kit to make your workout fun. Interested? Check out this article from Health Updates Site.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Thinkbox of a Procrastinator
Ever wonder what's in the mind of procrastinator is? How do they procrastinate? Take a look at the thinkbox of a procrastinator.
Avoiding Procrastination Can Save Your Money
Procrastination does not only cause you to fail on your goals. By procrastinating, you can also waste a lot of money. Here is a good discussion and tips about it: Wasting Money Through Procrastination.
Dealing With Others' Procrastination
Some could be used to being a procrastinator. They deal with the consequences, i.e. late submissions of work, failure, etc., like it is a normal thing already. But what about the others who are with them? Their teammates, roommates, or family who depends on them could be affected of their procrastination. Here is a nice article about sharing space and dealing with moments of chaos.
Packing Things at the Last Minute
Procrastinating on Holiday Seasons
Holiday seasons once again. Surely, a lot of you have been procrastinating and still haven't completed your shopping. Every 24th of December, malls and grocery stores are very crowded. So for those who haven't got much time or have been procrastinating, you can do the shopping online now. You don't have to run through the grocery stores or malls, but you just got to do it at least a week before Christmas time for shipping or delivery purposes. You might want to check this online store, they've extended their Holiday Sale: Silk Naturals.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Internet Addiction
Internet is indeed very addictive. That is why many people tend to procrastinate once they go online. If you have a computer and an internet connection at home, procrastination might be so tempting. Here are some steps on how to fight internet addiction.
How To Stop Procrastinating
If at this moment you are procrastinating, you can make good use of your time by watching this video and learn how to stop procrastinating.
Procrastinating on the Internet
When procrastinating, why not procrastinate on something that is useful to us? Like when we spend hours surfing the web doing unnecessary and less important things, it would be better if we find something valuable. Here's what Marsha found while procrastinating over the internet: Someone Once Told Me.
Fortune Cookie Says Stop Procrastinating
Found this photo and the message is like coming from a procrastinator himself. A bit humorous but it would surely hit a procrastinator straight on his face. Stop procrastinating - starting now, not tomorrow!
Internet Marketing Success
One of the things that could ruin the success of internet marketing is procrastination. People tend to search which is the best strategy and sometimes forget to take action. They just search and search, debating which one is the best. Time have passed and still no action taken. To succeed in internet marketing, here are some useful tips.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Writer's Block
We usually blog when we procrastinate, right? But what if you really have something to write and just can't do it? We call it a writer's block. Then again, we tend to procrastinate because we experience a writer's block. The two actually go hand-in-hand. Here's a good post from Eric about Procrastination and Writer's Block.
How To Procrastinate Like A Pro
If you've been just a procrastinator lately, take a look at this video and learn how to procrastinate like a pro (and how to get your tasks undone).
Procrastinating in the Cyber World
The Cyber World is such a good place to procrastinate. There are a lot of things to surf around here and when you find something interesting, you blog it. While your tasks are waiting for you until no one knows when you're gonna stand up and start doing them. The internet is also one of the best thing to do if you want to kill time. You wouldn't really notice the time when you surf around. Well, if you're procrastinating as of this moment, read this post about procrastination, it's worth your time.
The Boondocks on Procrastination
A nice counter-attack against procrastination. This is what we should do when procrastination attacks us.
Procrastination Can Risk Your Health
Procrastination do not only keep you from achieving your goals. It might also risk your health. If your goal is to stop those bad habits or vices that affects your health, then procrastinating over it won't help you. Here's an interesting article about Procrastination Will Not Help Prevent a Second Heart Attack.
Monday, December 08, 2008
The Emotional Freedom Technique
Have you heard of Emotional Freedom Technique? If not, you might want to try this technique in killing procrastination. Here's a video on how to kill procrastination with Emotional Freedom Technique.
Positive Affirmation
Motivation is sometimes hard to keep. There would be times when we lack the motivation to do out job or even some other tasks. Positive affirmation is one good way to keep ourselves motivated. Josh Hinds, a speaker, author and trainer, provided a positive affirmation on his website that anyone can repeat whenever he needs to boost his motivation.
Cause of Procrastination
Procrastination happens mostly to students. When studying their lessons or preparing for examinations is the best time to do other unnecessary things. Why? This photo might answer the question. Isn't it discouraging to study if your table is a mess? Here's a hint: Organizing your things will help you get motivated in doing your tasks.
Staying Motivated
Not being able to practice your profession on certain days, weeks, or a certain period of time can be disheartening. Like for a non-flying pilot, I found out that it is quite frustrating. But this should not ruin your vacation (if you're having one) or your free time. Keeping yourself motivated will help a lot. Here are some ways on how to stay motivated when not flying.
Motivation at Work
A good leader is also a good motivator. Having a "bad boss" only discourages employees from doing a good job. Instead, if it won't scare them it would annoy them. A well-motivated employee though can have put more dedication to his job. Recent research suggested that having a bad boss increases the employees' risk of suffering a heart attack. Read the full story at Advance Your Sales website.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Understanding Procrastination
If you are one of those who still doesn't understand when procrastination happens, this video might be of great help for you.
Getting Motivated
Motivation is such a powerful thing that gives us courage, confidence, and helps us succeed in our goals. We can get motivated by a lot of things. From people, for example. Simple things such as showing some support to a person can help us get motivated and inspired. This post tells you how a simple comment to a blog can keep a person motivated and inspired: Uncommon Grace.
"I am better today than yesterday, but not as good as tomorrow."
A nice photo that would surely give us the motivation to start the day. Let's all keep ourselves motivated each day and do not hold back to yesterday. Time keeps moving and so should we. By moving on, we make our tomorrow a better one than today and yesterday.
Writing: A Way to Success
One of the many things to succeed is to write. How? You can keep a record of your progress towards that goal for analysis, write down your goal on a piece of paper to keep you motivated, and stuff like that. That is not the only things that writing can do. It can also help improve your memory. To understand better, here's a post that explains The Power of Writing Things Down.
Holiday Tips
Holiday season is approaching. Christmas and New Year gives us a long vacation off from work or school. It is also that time of the year that is full of celebration, party, reunion, etc. Things to avoid here is too much food and procrastination. There are a lot of things we cannot do when we have work or school, so this is the time for us to do other things like general cleaning, visiting relatives or friends, and not just sit on the couch doing nothing or just surfing over the internet. Also, with the celebrations, we cannot really avoid delicious foods. That is why we should avoid procrastinating. Have the motivation to exercise or engage into some physical activities with friends. Here's a nice post that might help you to keep that holiday weight off.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
A Technique Called Core Transformation
Holiday seasons is approaching. To stop procrastination may be one of the New Year's resolutions of some people. But you do not really have to wait for the year 2009 to stop procrastinating. The best time to stop it is NOW! I just found a technique called Core Transformation from the Precision Change blog that might be useful for procrastinators out there who want to stop procrastinating.
Spongebob Procrastinates, Too
Procrastination has been everywhere. Even Spongebob procrastinates! In this speedy version of Spongebob, it shows that he, too, procrastinates. It also shows that Spongebob also suffers from the consequences of procrastinating. This surely is a good way to teach children not to procrastinate.
Finals Procrastination
It seems that procrastination typically happens during examination time with students. Cramming the day or hours before the examination takes place is very common and has become ordinary as well. With the existence of modern technology such as personal computers and the internet, procrastinating has become more tempting. Here's an interesting post about Freud's Theory of Finals Procrastination.
What Procrastination May Bring
This is a typical situation for those who procrastinate. This would best describe the students who cram the night or maybe hours before the exams. Procrastination is often the reason why they haven't studied or done their home works. Hopefully this photo would scare people in procrastinating.
Running: A Simple Exercise
Exercise is one thing that is good to our health. But we hardly have the time. Thought sometimes availability of time is just an excuse. Truth is, we just lack the motivation to do it. Then Eugene of Bold-Talk blog advices to try running. Let's find out why from his blog post, Run my friend run.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Procrastinating and Getting Things Undone
This video, Tales Of Mere Existence "Procrastination," shows how much time we waste by procrastinating. It also tells how much we have failed just by procrastinating. Instead of getting our stuffs done, time passes by, we've done a lot of things unnecessary until its the end of the day, and our stuffs are still undone.
Tales Of Mere Existence "Procrastination,"
Overcoming Procrastination Fast
Procrastination is not healthy, we all know that. Though it is really hard to overcome procrastination. But it doesn't mean that we will just let ourselves procrastinate just because its difficult to get rid of it. A lot of people have succeed in it, so why can't we? We should just really fight the urge to procrastinate. To help you in overcoming procrastination, great tips can be found at this post: Stop Procrastination Fast.
The Secret to Personal Development
Personal development is usually a tough goal for most of us. We have to be better and that means we have to do the things we're not used to do and abandon those that we're used to. A lot of success stories regarding personal development can be heard anywhere and it was done in different ways. Would you believe that an iPod helped a person in practicing personal development? Take time to read the Secret to Personal Development.
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